Peter Jackson Hollywood WALK OF FAME

L’8 Dicembre 2014 (Monday, December 8, 2014, at 11:30 a.m. PST)
Peter Jackson riceverà la più grande onorificenza da cineasta : la stella Hollywoodiana. Durante questo lungo tragitto durato 13 anni, Peter ha sorvolato ed attraversato la Nuova Zelanda, adattandola agli scritti di Tolkien, per rendere al mondo intero un capolavoro unico!

L’evento verrà trasmesso esclusivamente via streaming tramite


Ecco il comunicato ufficiale:


WHO: Emcee: Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, President/CEO Leron Gubler
Guest speaker: Andy Serkis
Celebrities attending the event: Orlando Bloom, Evangeline Lilly,
Lee Pace, Luke Evans, Richard Armitage and Elijah Wood

WHAT: Dedication of the 2,538th star on the Walk of Fame
in the category of Motion Pictures

WHERE: 6801 Hollywood Boulevard in front of The Dolby Theatre

WHEN: Monday, December 8, 2014, at 11:30 a.m. PST

Event will be live-streamed exclusively on

Hollywood Chamber to honor Peter Jackson with star on the Walk of Fame
The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce is proud to announce that Director/Producer/Screenwriter Peter Jackson will be honored with the 2,538th star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on Monday, December 8, 2014 at 11:30 a.m. PST. The star in the category of Motion Pictures will be dedicated in front of The Dolby Theatre, at 6801 Hollywood Boulevard.
“We are very happy to honor such an esteemed filmmaker as Peter Jackson with a star on the Walk of Fame,” stated Ana Martinez, producer of the Walk of Fame ceremonies. “His groundbreaking and award-winning films are part of the legacy of larger-than-life, Hollywood-style entertainment that is beloved the world over.”

Assisting emcee and Hollywood Chamber President/CEO Leron Gubler to unveil the star will be actor Andy Serkis.

Peter Jackson is one of the world’s most successful filmmakers. One of his monumental achievements, “The Lord of the Rings” Trilogy, which he directed, as well as co-wrote and produced along with fellow Academy Award® winners and frequent collaborators Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens, collectively earned a total of 30 Academy Award nominations, winning 17 Academy Awards, including Best Picture for the final film. Jackson and Walsh had received in 1995 their first Oscar nomination for Best Original Screenplay for their acclaimed film “Heavenly Creatures.”

Jackson once again plunged into the world of Middle-earth to direct, co-write and produce a trilogy of films adapting the enduringly popular masterpiece The Hobbit, by J.R.R. Tolkien. The first film in “The Hobbit” Trilogy, “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey,” was released in 2012 and earned over $1-billion worldwide and three Academy Award nominations. The second film, “The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug,” released in 2013, earned over $950-million and earned three Academy Award nominations.

Jackson’s most recent film is the third and final installment. As with the first two films in The “Hobbit” Trilogy, the final film is a production of New Line Cinema and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures (MGM), with New Line managing production. The film will be released by Warner Bros. worldwide on Wednesday, December 17, 2014, with select international territories releasing on December 10, 2014, in High Frame Rate 3D (HFR 3D) in select theaters, other 2D and 3D formats, and IMAX®.

Jackson, through his New Zealand-based WingNut Films banner, also was responsible for the globally successful 2005 remake of “King Kong,” which earned over $500-million worldwide and three Academy Awards. More recently, Jackson directed the Academy Award-nominated “The Lovely Bones,” an adaptation of the acclaimed best-selling novel by Alice Sebold. He also produced the global sensation ‘District 9,” which received an Academy Award nomination for Best Picture. Jackson also produced, with Steven Spielberg and Kathleen Kennedy, “The Adventures of Tintin,” which was directed by Spielberg. The film won, amongst many other awards and nominations, the Golden Globe for Best Animated Feature and the Producers Guild of America Award for Animated Motion Picture Producers of the Year. The movie is the first of three, based on the world-renowned comic book series by Hergé, and Jackson will direct the second film in the trilogy.

Jackson has been active in enriching and promoting the arts, as well as supporting worthy humanitarian causes, including stem cell research and civil rights. In his home town of Wellington, he has helped ensure the preservation of key historical sites and theaters, as well as chairing the 14–18 Aviation Heritage Trust. He has also mentored young filmmakers and employed hundreds of actors, artists, craftspeople and technical crew from the U.S., New Zealand, and all over the world on his films and other projects.

Jackson was made a Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit in 2002. He was later knighted as a Knight Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit in 2010.



L’Anello si chiude, speciale “Ciak”

Quale sorpresa inaspettata! Sapere di un articolo su “Lo Hobbit” sul famoso giornale “Ciak” !

La frase che più mi ha sorpresa (da Tolkeniana appassionata ed estimatrice di Bilbo) è stata quella di Martin Freeman:

Senza dubbio, quella de “Lo Hobbit, è stata un’ esperienza indimenticabile, straordinaria, ma come spesso accade nella vita, sono contento di averla fatta e anche che sia finita. Ma ve lo immaginate che incubo essere Bilbo per sempre?



Luke Evans, invece, dimostra tutto il suo attaccamento a Bard, ponendo il suo personaggio in una escalation di eventi positivi!


E’ come se i miei film precedenti siano stati il training per diventare un eroe, per arrivare fin qui!



Ovviamente, sono stati fatti dei vaghi riferimenti al destino di Thorin; ma per fortuna, nessuno spoiler… (lasciando così un pò di curiosità a chi è ignaro!)

Ecco le foto dell’articolo e buona lettura!



Kili, Fili e Thorin in Super HD


Questa galleria contiene 2 foto.

Il sito ha pubblicato oggi due Banner in Super HD realizzati da un fan della piattaforma, ritraenti gli attori del film “La Battaglia delle Cinque Armate”, diretto da Peter Jackson. In questa immagine tratta dalla parte conclusiva della Trilogia … Continua a leggere

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